How Truck Accident Attorneys Determine Liability in Complex Cases

A truck accident attorney in El Paso is going over paperwork.

Have you or a loved one been in an accident involving a truck? A truck accident attorney in El Paso can help you receive the compensation you’re entitled to. 

At K.E. Bradley Law, located in El Paso, TX, our truck accident attorneys will fight for your right to be compensated for any damage caused by the incident. Despite the challenge of proving liability, we are determined to bring you justice. Give us a call at (915) 222-8082 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.  

Searching for a Cause

Seeking out liability in a truck accident case is extremely complex and requires the expert knowledge of truck accident attorneys to determine who’s at fault. There are certain limitations on truck drivers, such as if they fail to follow them, they are almost immediately at fault. Some of those limitations are listed below.

  • A driver cannot drive after 60-70 hours in 7-8 days. 
  • A driver can only drive up to 14 hours after being off duty for 10 hours.
  • A driver can drive a maximum of 11 hours after being off duty for 10 hours.
  • A mandatory 30-minute break for drivers who drove 8 hours without taking a break.

However, if these disregarded limitations are not viable, our truck accident attorney in El Paso will investigate further. See below for the process. 

  • Reading Police Reports
  • Examining Photos/Videos of the Accident
  • Viewing Data from Black Boxes
  • Cell Phone Records
  • Dashcam Footage
  • Driving Records
  • Driver’s Employment Records
  • Witness Statements
  • Repair/Maintenance Records
  • Any Other Relevant Evidence (weather/road conditions or environmental damage)

Despite the truck driver being the one behind the wheel at the cause of the accident, they are not always totally at fault; the company they work for can play a role in this, too. Researching a trucking company’s practices and procedures to make sure the driver was properly trained can play a hand in a truck accident attorney’s case. This research would also determine if safety protocols were followed or enforced, the cargo was loaded properly, and proper inspections were performed. As mentioned above, the driver’s employment record will be pulled to see if they’ve been involved in any other accidents while on the job. 

Truck Driving Attorney in El Paso

At K.E. Bradley Law, located in El Paso, our truck accident attorneys will passionately

represent victims and their families and ensure they are completely compensated. If you’ve been in an accident and need representation, call (915) 222-8082 today.